
Thursday, September 16, 2010

I promised you wigs--today I need to get going for chemo, so this will just be a quick entry. I am hoping this picture will not be sideways... All right now you get another one, and the final one is of "yours truly." It may be reverse order when you show up on my blog. So these are two of my daughters, Kelsey and Emily, with a wig that my niece, SHelby Stroud sent to me. It is darker than I am used to--probably will color it, and make it look a little more like me. However, we had so much fun that night trying on wigs. You feel like you are playing dress-up...sort of. :)
I am doing chemo today--so it's a busy day. Sorry I didn't write last night--it was way too late of a night--had a very dear friend drop by for the evening. Have a good day--play the "glad game" and find something good to be thankful for today. Love you lots, Louise


  1. Not bad on you but no way on Kelsey and especially Emily!! With your brown eyes and more olive complexion you could look good with any color hair! Love, Becky

  2. LOVE THE DARK HAIR! You look awesome...bring on the wigs! Love you, Janet

  3. Hahaha...cute pose! I think you look great!

  4. It is dark, but you look great dark! What a beauty that can pull off blonde & brunette! Your daughters are gorgeous too :)

  5. What fun pictures of all of you. You are all adorable! :)


  6. I agree with Laura. The dark looks GREAT on you! And I love the style too.

  7. I think you look super pretty with dark hair. Maybe you should be dark!

  8. I love these pictures, so fun! And I agree, the dark hair is a cool look for you!

  9. You're beautiful with any color hair, or without any as well, I'm sure, because it's your inner beauty that shines through, topped off by exterior physical beauty!! But I agree, have fun and be a brunette for a while. You can always change the color later!!
    Love you so much and can't wait to see you!! Deb

  10. Well, just goes to show.. you are beautiful no matter what. I have always been in awe of your beauty...and somehow the cancer has really brought it out. I think you are radiating with all the love you are receiving. Which takes my breath away. And, don't even get me going about your daughters... I just want to HUG them.. they are beyond gorgeous. Little Louises...
    Big hug
