
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hangin' On

Hi. Its "Lo" again. I wanted to give a quick update tonight to ask you to pray for Louise. Today was her first real yucky day. She started vomiting early, and had a rough morning. The docs gave her some more medication and the nausea was mostly under control. Her counts were good, so they gave her both the radiation and the chemo treatments today. Wow, she's tough. But she was moving slowly and was not her usual social self today. Fortunately, Spence was close at hand along with her good friend Deb. In fact, I'm going to post a photo of Deb's creation to protect and hide Louise's "PIC" line. They call it the Cutie Cuff! Pretty cute. One more day this week and then she gets the weekend off.


  1. Sorry to hear that it was a tough day Louisa. Hope you sleep well, and feel better in the morning. Your "Cutie Cuff" is beautiful!

  2. Louise:
    I am so sorry you had a bad day. Ugh. I guess there is always a silver lining.. the fact that you haven't had TOO many bad days is good. I will send ALL my positive energy your way today to be sure that you have a better one today.
    Love you so much.

  3. Ugh, sorry the day wasn't such a great one. I absolutely LOVE your cutie cuff though! you look too cute :) sending prayers and love your way from our family XOXOXO

  4. The cutie cuff is adorable!!! We are praying for you, Mom. I REALLY hope that today is a better one for you. We love you! I'll call you later today.

  5. So sorry you have been feeling sick, Louise. Let's hope for a better weekend - just one more week and then you have some time to regain your strength. We all love you and are praying for you....Janet

  6. I was thinking of you yesterday and hoping that you handled the chemo ok. I am so sorry to hear the it has been difficult. I love you and pray for you. Thank you for your courage and example. Let me know if I can drive you to your treatments next week.
