
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Razz Her!

So, I was talking to Louise this morning and she said, "I've already become a saint! Everyone is being so nice to me and comes up to me all long faced and sad. I just want people to RAZZ me like usual." So go ahead. Here's the place to have some fun with good ol' Louise. Share some funny memory or just tell her to stop closing her eyes in all the pictures!!!
She needs it today.


  1. Amen to that, Mel! I need to be teased much more than I need to be pitied. I'm planning on continuing to harrass as many people as don't make me into a saint yet!! :)

  2. I have plenty of funny stories - living down the street from you for 20+ years - the one that comes to mind was when you gave Kimmy a ride on the bumper of your car...remember :) How about all the times I sent my kids down to your house to make sugar cookies - cause I hated doing it? Now that's a great friend. How about the time I came to your house and visited as a new Bishop's wife - do you remember what you were wearing? :) How about the time that you gave me money - with no strings attached - when I needed it? You probably don't even remember....if only we could count the number of plates of cookies that were exchanged between our houses - or the number of conversations where we solved the worlds problems. I'm quite sure you had those conversations with many of your friends....I'm so proud of your great attitude, Louise. I'm one of the many that check your blog often during the day to get updates - know I am thinking of you - always...Love, Janet

  3. Man, I'm coming up with nothing! Except I really did love making sugar cookies at your house every year - it was always a tradition of my Christmas. I always vowed to make them with my least my mom will now make them with her grandkids. :) And I loved eating crepes for breakfast at your house whenever I spent the night! They were so good. Do you remember when Jodie and I walked home from Brownies together thru the greenbelt? I think you & my mom were moments away from calling the police. Or remember when you took us to welcome home the Suns at the airport? Or when I "defrosted" your freezer for you by stealing a popsicle while you were on vacation and I was feeding Mandy? So many good memories! :) I guess that was more a trip down memory lane, but know we all love you and are praying for you.

  4. Anyone living near my family right now should go visit my mom and ask her to blow air into her cheeks. She can't do it, and it's hilarious to watch her try.

  5. Did you know you can post videos on here? Maybe trying to blow air into her cheeks would be a fun first video for the blog. :)

  6. My favorite memory of Louise is when we were little girls together playing in our grandfather's house at Lake Tahoe. Louise and I spent DAYS planning getting a puppy (which of course we never got!) Of course, years later have made up for lost time, and am constantly surrounded by puppies and dogs. Of course, decorating those endless Christmas cookies in the kitchen at Catalpa Drive is another eternal memory. I also remember visiting Louise when she spent her summers teaching kids how to swim. Actually, the list of memories is endless. All my love and thoughts, Louises 'little' sister Sue

  7. exactly do we post videos?
    Susan Rice Lincoln

  8. Here's a little RAZZ-berry many of you may not know: Webe (Louise) "cheats" at Carumba! That's a card game, for those of you without vices. Yes, she has those, too!! ;D. Actually, she may not cheat, but she wins so many hands that some of us think she must cheat!! Playing Carumba is a Price-Meany summer-at-the-beach tradition. The problem is that I only play the one week they come to the beach each year, so I forget how to play in between. My "constant questions" while we play this super fast game throw the two of us into a contagious bout of laughter!! Get those decks ready for when I visit, Webe!! LOL
    Love you, Deb

  9. I'll be checking up on you, Louise. Carrie just told me of your little problem.....
    Shirley Hansen....

  10. Getting dunked on by Louise in pool basketball is always a good memory. How bout Christmas nights coming over to our house to check out all of our new presents and then we would head to your house to check out all of your kids presents? Long phone calls talking about nothing in particular but laughing until my sides hurt. Good times.
