Well, I haven't written in a while, so I thought I would write a little today. The new year is off to a pretty good start. I am still working on resolutions--I spend a lot of time making them, and probably not nearly enough time trying to work on them!! But at least I get a good list of what I HOPE to do this year...and hopefully make at least a stab at completing some of them!
I am trying to learn how to make a book out of my blog--I would like to have a hard-covered record of my cancer journey--for myself mostly, just to reflect on the incredible experience it really has been. I have been studying of how to do that, and it is quite the process. Right now I am gathering pictures for it. I am also working on pictures for a slide show for Brady's court of honor. I enjoy working on pictures--I just take way too many of them to ever keep up!
I am really proud of my two daughters, Katie and Kelsey, who are both in school right now. Katie is in a very difficult semester, with both lots of classes AND student teaching--she does the classes first, and then later on in the semester, she teaches. It takes a lot of time and is a challenge, but she is working very hard. Kelsey is also doing very well this semester--her first semester at BYU was a lot of adjustments, but now she has "learned the ropes" and is doing well with time management and in her classes. I am very proud of both of them, and for how hard they are working. We talked to both of them for a long time last night, and that was awesome--love them both a lot!
I have had kind of a challenging week, health-wise. I'm not sure exactly what to do or how to handle it. Last night we were at a fireside, and I had not felt well, and got really hot, and had my dumping syndrome symptoms. I laid down on a couch, and had hot flash problems. This week I have dealt with dizziness and lots of fatigue. It is challenging to know what to do. I know if I try to do too much in a day I pay for it. I know if I eat too much or the wrong kinds of foods, I also have to pay for that. I keep hoping to be totally "normal" again--and maybe that will never happen quite the way I hope. I am not trying to feel sorry for myself, but it is kind of frustrating to have these ups and downs. I guess I just need to keep pacing myself, whatever that means...and hopefully just rest when I feel like I need that. I can do so many things I couldn't do even 6 months ago, but then I have these incidents. Oh well--I guess I should just be grateful for whatever I can do, and try not to worry that I can't do everything. Spence is always a great support. I DO miss Kelsey--she was always so sensitive to how I felt. But, all in all, I just need to be thankful for where I am, and pray for guidance in taking the best care of myself.
Just to give a few pictures--I am going to include a picture of Brady after he passed his Eagle board of review. His interviewer (main Scout guy--there are 2 other guys who sit on his board) was very complimentary of Brady and commented what a good young man he is (music to a mother's ears!). The other picture is of us with Jodie at her play that she did this month--she was awesome in it! If you ever have the chance to go see handicapped adults perform, be sure and take advantage of it. It is an experience like no other! Have a good week!
Sorry you haven't been feeling great. On a happy note congrats on your wonderful children and their hard work!